Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research

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Management Team

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Rehfuess, Eva Annette Prof. BA MA(Oxon) PhD Director of the Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research +49 (0)89 2180-78224 U 041
Coenen, Michaela Dr. rer. biol. hum. MPH Head of the Research Unit for Health Promotion and Prevention; Course Coordinator MSc Public Health +49 (0)89 2180-78216 U 008
Stöckl, Heidi Prof. Dr. MSc, Diplom Head of Research Unit Public Health Evaluation Honorary Professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine U034
Strahwald, Brigitte MSc Mmel Coordination Pettenkofer School of Public Health

Administrative Staff

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
La, Belinda Xuan Binh Secretary +49 (0)89 2180-78220 U 042
Stahlschmidt, Emanuela Personnel / Administration +49 (0)89 2180-78221 U 042
Schmid, Laura Dr. rer. soc.  Science Manger +49 (0)89 2180-78217

IT Specialist

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Hörl, Dominik Xaver M.Sc. IT Specialist

Administrative staff M.Sc. Public Health

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Karaboga, Mirjam Secretary Masters Degree M.Sc. Public Health +49 (0)89 2180-78218 U 007
Kraus, Ute Dr. rer. biol. hum. MPH postgrad. Coordinator M.Sc. Public Health +49 (0)89 2180-78198 U 033
Penn, Marion Secretary Masters Degree M.Sc. Public Health +49 (0)89 2180 78277 U007
Coenen, Michaela Dr. rer. biol. hum. MPH Head of the Research Unit for Health Promotion and Prevention; Course Coordinator MSc Public Health +49 (0)89 2180-78216 U 041

Scientific Staff

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Agbo, Joyce Scientific Research Associate
Antu, Jannatul Ferdous M.Sc. Research Associate
Asres Ioab, Kolahta MSc Research Associate
Baierl, Sophia M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate
Brambilla, Rebecca M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate
Ditzen-Janotta, Claudia Dr.  Scientific Research Associate
Dogan, Vildan M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate (PhD Candidate) U006
Geffert, Karin Dr. med.  Scientific Research Associate, MD +49 (0)89 2180-78222 U 040
Gencel-Augusto, Jelica M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate
Holliday, Nicole Scientific Research Associate +49 (0) 2180-78234 U032
Immich, Gisela Dr. rer. biol. hum. M.Sc. (TUM) BA Post-Doc-Research +49 (0)89 2180-78213 U 044
Jung-Sievers, Caroline PD Dr. med. M.Sc. (Epidemiology) Postdoc Researcher Specialist in Public Health + 49 (0)89 2180-78171 U 040
Kirschneck, Michaela Scientific Research Associate +49 (0)89 2180-78227 as well as -78198 U 033
Klinger, Carmen M.Sc., M.A. Research Associate and PhD Candidate +49 (0) 2180-78234 U032
Krajewska, Joanna M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate
Kus, Sandra Dr. rer. biol. hum. MPH Senior researcher of the Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research +49 (0)89 2180-78228 U 007
Leibinger, Anna Sophia MSc., M.A. Research Associate and PhD Candidate +49 (0) 2180-78234 U032
Mosha, Neema M.Sc.  Scientific Research Associate
Movsisyan, Ani MPH MSc DPhil Scientific Research Associate
Öcek, Zeliha Prof. Dr. med. dent., PhD  Scientific Research Associate +49 (0)89 2180 78230 U 039
Okanmelu, Elochukwu Christopher MD, MHE, M.Sc. Research Associate +49 174 8667125 U032
Pfadenhauer, Lisa Dr. BA MPH Scientific Research Associate
Probyn, Katrin MPH Scientific Research Associate
Rathgeb, Chiara Research Associate U 006
Sanktjohanser, Sara M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate +49 (0)89 2180-78228 U 039
Schönweger, Petra M.Sc., M.Sc Public Health Scientific Research Associate +49 (0)89 2180 78230
Schmitz, Jule M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate +49 (0)89 2180 78230
Sell, Kerstin Dr. med. M.Sc. Research fellow + 49 (0)89 2180-78170
Shukla, Shruti M.Sc. Scientific Research Associate
Slesinski, Claire Scientific Research Associate
Stiller, Sarah M.A. Scientific Research Associate U033
Theurich, Melissa Dr. MPH Scientific Research Associate +49 (0) 2180-78214 U044
Throner, Veronika MPH Junior researcher of the Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research +49 (0)89 2180-78264 U 007
Visscher, Rosa Dr.  Scientific Research Associate
von Mallek, Patricia M.Sc. Public Health Scientific Research Associate U 007
von Philipsborn, Peter Dr. med. MSc, MA Research Group Leader
Voss, Stephan M.Sc. Scientific Researcher + 49 (0)89 2180-78227 U 032
Wendel, Flora Dr. med.  Scientific Research Associate
Wenderoth, Johanna M.Sc., M.Sc. Public Health Scientific Research Associate


Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Konradt, Sarah Research Assistant +49 (0) 2180-78214 U044
Asenkerschbaumer, Ida
Berndt, Ursula
Bernhard, Leonie
Amani, Davis Elias
Finger, Celina
Fischer, Laura Research Assistant
Friedl, Anna-Lena
Ernst, Laura
Hagge, Annika B.A. Medical student +49 157 55 808 909
Hennig, Anita Dr. med. 
Höllerl, Lea
Gajda, Anna
Mareis, Theresa Studentische Hilfskraft
Meyer, Alexander Studentische Hilfskraft
Gajda, Anna
Philipp, Flora
Ricci, Katharina Studentische Hilfskraft
Schobert, Pauline
Widerin, Magdalena
Wörl, Franzsika
Würfele, Anna-Lena
Wüste-Rieback, Julian

Visiting researchers

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Burns, Jacob BSc MSc Scientific Research Associate
Robl, Eva Dipl. Landschaftsökonomin Research Associate

PhD students

Surname, First name Title Position Phone Room
Donaubauer, Johannes PhD Student
Kratzer, Suzie PhD Student
Mareis, Theresa cand. med. PhD Student
Rabe, Julia PhD Student
Robert, Myriam PhD Student U 039
Tayebi, Nassem Guest Scientific Researcher