Pettenkofer School of Public Health (PSPH)
Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE)
Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich
Elisabeth-Winterhalter-Weg 6
81377 Munich
U 033
+49 (0)89 2180-78227 as well as -78198
+49 (0)89 2180-78230
Area of interests
Research interests
- Health care and health services research
- Prevention and health promotion
- ICF Workshops
- ICF│PROreha (Predicting the rehabilitation outcome after trauma based on the ICF)
- ICF e-Learning Tool - a web-based education tool for ICF Workshops
closed projects
- Systematische Review/Metaanalyse: Interventions to build resilience and to ameliorate negative psychosocial effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on children and adolescents.
- Scoping review: Community indicators for mental health in Europe: a scoping review.
- Study to work out and evaluate a prevention program to reduce the workload of nusing staff – PFLEGEprevent
- "Im Moor zum inneren Gleichgewicht" Bad Aibling - Study of stress-reducing effects of a multimodal prevention program for people at risk of burnout: a randomized controlled study
- Systematic review/meta-analysis: Benefits of the application of a temporary intraoperative porto-caval shunt in liver transplantation (in cooperation with the Klinik für Allgemeine, Viszeral-, Transplantations-, Gefäß- und Thoraxchirurgie at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (D)
- Systematic review/meta-analysis: Effectiveness of neo-adjuvant chemotherapy and regional hyperthermia in soft tissue sarcoma (in cooperation with the Klinik für Allgemeine, Viszeral-, Transplantations-, Gefäß- und Thoraxchirurgie at the Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich (D)
- Use of ICF Score Sets for Evaluating Patients with Lumbar Back Pain and Generalised Pain Syndrome
Curriculum Vitae
1993 - 1995 Vocational School for Physiotherapy (Wasserburg am Inn)
1995 – 1996 Practical Year in Physiotherapy, Sport-Reha-Schwabing Munich, Simsseeklinik Bad Endorf
Department of Medicine and Rehabilitation LMU Munich
1997 – 1999 BG Unfallklinik Murnau
1999 – 2005 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation LMU Munich
2007 Manual Therapy OMT-DVMT ®
seit 2001 Research associate, Institute for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences - Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health
seit 2012 Research associate, Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research