PFLEGEprevent – a prevention program for nursing staff to better deal with everyday workload
PFLEGEprevent aims to develop a prevention program especially for nursing staff focusing on management of the huge workload this profession group has to overcome from day to day.
Based on the results of a national expert survey conducted among nursing staff and a systematic literature review on elements and effectiveness of already existing prevention programs, a prevention program especially for nursing staff will be developed, which is going to include the local cure of a Bavarian health resort.
In a further step, the prevention program will be applied in a pilot study in the Bavarian health resort of Bad Reichenhall. Based on the findings of this pilot study, the program will be adapted if necessary and a concept will be established to enable its transferability to other health resorts.
Cooperation partner
- Bundesverband sozialer Anbieter e.V. (bpa)
- Bayerische Heilbäderverband (BHV)
- Kur-GmbH Bad Reichenhall
February 2017 to September 2019
Bayerische Staatsministerium für Gesundheit und Pflege
Veronika Throner, MPH
Dr. Sandra Kus (Supervision)