Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research
Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE)
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich
Elisabeth-Winterhalter-Weg 6
81377 Munich, Germany
Institute for Medical Information Processing, Biometry and Epidemiology (IBE)
Ludwig-Maximilians University (LMU) Munich
Elisabeth-Winterhalter-Weg 6
81377 Munich, Germany
U 008
+49 (0)89 2180-78216
Area of interests
Research interests
- Functioning and disability
- Community-based prevention strategies
- Qualitative and quantitative research methodologies; systematic reviews
- Rehabilitation research
- Health services research
- Implementation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in clinical practice and other areas of interest (e.g. public health)
- Harmonizing existing patient reported outcome measures in rheumatoid arthritis
- ICF INFO (International collaborative project which aims to establish the principles to harmonize routinely collected health information based on the ICF)
- ICF e-learning Tool (a web-based education tool for ICF Workshops)
- ICF│PROreha (Predicting the rehabilitation outcome after trauma based on the ICF)
- Further development and validation of the Hamburger Prognosescore
- PATHWAYS (PArticipation To Healthy Workplaces And inclusive Strategies in the work sector)
- ICD-11 Field testing (Field testing of the ICD-11 beta version in hand surgery)
- Lighthouse Project Hand: Implementation and use of the ICF Core Sets for hand conditions in clinical practice, rehabilitation and research
- Model Disability Survey
- PARADISE (Psychosocial factors relevant to brain disorders in Europe)
- Development and validation of ICF Core Sets for multiple sclerosis
- Development of ICF Core Sets for hand conditions
- Development of ICF Core Sets for inflammatory bowel diseases
- Development and validation of ICF Core Sets from the patient perspective (different projects)
Supervision of trainees (MPH / MSc students)
Supervision of doctoral students
Biometrical consulting of doctoral thesis
Coordination and management of third-party projects
ICF Training
- Qualitative methods in Public Health and medical research
- Research Skills & Core competencies in Public Health
- Practice and policies in Public Health
Curriculum Vitae
- 1986 - 1993 Diploma in Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) Munich
- 1993 – 1994 Junior researcher, Department of Psychology, Biological psychology (Prof. R. Schandry), LMU Munich
- 1994 – 2000 Junior researcher, Institut für Therapieforschung (IFT) (Prof. G. Bühringer), Munich
- 2000 - 2002 Master of Public Health, LMU Munich
- 2003 – 2005 Doctoral scholarship Deutsche Rheuma-Liga e.V., Institute for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, LMU Munich
- 2005 – 2008 Researcher, Institute for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, LMU Munich
- 2008 Doctorate degree in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (Dr. rer. biol. hum.), LMU Munich
- 2008 – 2012 Senior researcher, Institute for Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, LMU Munich (Prof. G. Stucki)
- 2012 - 2014 Senior researcher, Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research (IBE), LMU Munich (Prof. U. Mansmann)
- since 2014 Head of the Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health
- since 2018 Course coordinator of the master programme Public Health
Steering Committee member of the ICF Research Branch