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MEDIATE: Methodological Guidance for Public Health Evidence Synthesis and Evidence-Based Advice


March 2024 – June 2028


The MEDIATE (MEthoDs guIdance for public heAlTh Evidence synthesis and evidence-based advice) consortium has been commissioned by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) to develop practical methods guidance for evidence synthesis and evidence-based public health advice, with a particular focus on infectious disease epidemiology, prevention, and control.

The project seeks to strengthen ECDC’s processes and methods for undertaking public health evidence synthesis and for making public health recommendations. This initiative will foster the exchange of good practices between ECDC staff, public health professionals in the Member States and international evidence synthesis providers and methodologists. The process is iterative, ensuring continuous feedback, refinement, and adaptation. The project seeks to produce a series of user-friendly methods guidance and toolkits.


  1. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München( consortium leader)
  2. Universitätsklinikum Freiburg (Cochrane Germany)
  3. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems (Cochrane Austria)
  4. Folkehelseinstituttet (Norwegian Institute of Public Health, NIPH)

Work packages:

The project is structured into three Work Packages (WPs). WP1 undertakes a comprehensive methodological needs assessment and gap analysis. Focussing on specific priority areas, WP2 identifies and assesses existing methods guidance and tools. Based on the insights gained, WP3 develops practical guidance and toolkits specifically tailored to meet the requirements of ECDC. The project is accompanied by a series of webinars.


  • Systematic reviews
  • Multistage stakeholder consultations (e.g., surveys, interviews, workshops)
  • Co-design of methodological guidance and toolkits (e.g., design thinking approach)

Team at LMU Munich:

Prof. Dr. Eva Rehfuess (Lead)
Dr. Ani Movsisyan (Coordinator)
Brigitte Strahwald
Kolahta Asres Ioab


Dr. Ani Movsisyan