Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research

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Stöckl Heidi


2024 Mixed methods research workshop
Partner: Universität Heidelberg

IMPROVE_LIFE Investigating maternal and paternal risk factor of violence during pregnancy- a lasting impact for everyone.
Partner: icddr,b Bangladesh

European Research Council Consolidator Grant
2023-2024 Database on violence against women portfolio Wellspring Philantrophic Fund
2023-2024 Bedarfsanalyse zur Prävention von geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt gegen Frauen und von häuslicher Gewalt
Leitung: Socles und Deutsches Jugendinstitut
Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend
2023-2028 NIHR Global Health Research Group on Violence Against Women and Violence Against Children
Partner: Universität Birmingham (lead) and University of Cape Town
National Institute for Health Research
2022-2024 Cyberviolence in Tanzania: a mixed methods study
Leitung: LSHTM (lead) und National Institute for Medical Research, Mwanza, Tanzania
Wellspring Philantrophic Fund


2022-2023 Update systematic review and support work on the measurement of non-partner sexual violence, including sexual harassment World Health Organization

 MMR in GH

Participants of the training "Reflective Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Mixed Methods Research in Global Health"