Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research

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Stöckl Heidi

  • Module organisation and teaching on survey and questionnaire design for the MECUM, LMU
  • Module organisation and teaching: Research Skills for the MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology, LMU
  • Module organisation and teaching for Social and Behavioural science for the MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology, LMU
  • Module organisation and teaching for Health Systems for the MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology, LMU
  • Lecturer for Evidence-based Medicine I & II for medical students, LMU
  • Lecturer in Social Marketing in Praxis and Politics for the MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology, LMU
  • Module organisation and teaching: Survey and questionnaire design for the MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology, LMU
  • Supervision of MSc projects for the MSc in Public Health and Epidemiology, LMU
  • Lecturer in the PhD Program Medical Research in Epidemiology & Public Health, LMU

Supervised master theses

SS22 Olena Shubina The association between alcohol consumption and intimate partner violence in young male perpetrators in Mwanza: a cross-sectional study
SS22 Anna Jacob

Healthy lifestyle factors and male perpetration of intimate partner violence: A cross-sectional study in Mwanza, Tanzania

SS23 Jannis Maier Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von medizinischem Cannabis bei der Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen
SS23 Elsa Rabe Trends in medical abortion research in the European Economic Area from 2018-2023: A scoping review
SS23 Joanna Krajewska The influence of social norms on intimate partner violence (IPV)- Findings from a longitudinal study in Mwanza, Tanzania
SS24 Davis Amani Intimate partner violence in pregnancy and HIV: Evidence from sub-Saharan Africa
SS24 Joyce Agbo Experience of physical violence during pregnancy and its association with behavioural outcomes during the prenatal and postnatal period.
SS24 Kousha Sarpari Exploring patterns of dental trauma resulting from violence: A systematic review using WHO’s classification framework
SS24 Lotta Ziese Medizinische Versorgung von Obdachlosen in München
WS24 Wen Xin Disrespectful maternity care: A systematic review in Europe
WS24 Charlotte Steudtner Misogynistic trends on popular social media platforms: a qualitative analysis of TikTok content in Germany