Eva Rehfuess
- Profile
- Brief CV
- Research Areas
- Teaching Activities
- Publications
Selected research areas | Selected research projects | Selected other activities
Selected research areas
- Methods for evidence-based public health
- Knowledge translation and evidence-informed decision making
- Systematic reviews and guidelines of complex interventions in complex systems
- Evaluation of complex interventions in complex systems
- Global Health
Selected research projects
- Food environments in Africa: Addressing Malnutrition using a Syndemics Approach (FoodSAMSA), https://foodsamsa.samrc.ac.za/
- Munich Science Communication Lab, https://www.mscl.de/
- Evaluation of the community-based intervention “Präventionskette Freiham”, https://ihrs.ibe.med.uni-muenchen.de/biopsychosocial/laufende-projekte/pk_freiham/
- Several Network University Medicine (NUM) projects, including PREPARED (https://num-prepared.de/), coverCHILD (https://coverchild.de/) and CollPAN
- COVID-19 evidence ecosystem (CEOsys), https://covid-evidenz.de/
- Collaboration for Evidence-Based Healthcare and Public Health in Africa (CEBHA+), www.cebha-plus.org
- Policy Evaluation Network for policies affecting dietary and physical activity, https://www.jpi-pen.eu/
- The ADAPT study: development of guidance for the adaptation of population health interventions, https://adaptstudy.co.uk/
- Integrated health technology assessment for the evaluation of complex technologies (INTEGRATE-HTA), www.integrate-hta.eu/
Selected other activities
- Co-Speaker and member of the Steering Committee of the German Alliance for Global Health Research, globalhealth.de
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board of the Robert Koch Institute
- Member of the scientific advisory board of the UK Prevention Research Partnership, https://ukprp.org/
- Founding member of Cochrane Public Health Europe, http://ph.cochrane.org/cochrane-public-health-europe and Editor of Cochrane Public Health