PhD & Master's degree students
PhD Supervision
Surname, First name |
Kemi DaSilva-Ibr, Anita |
Brambilla, Rebecca |
Krajewska, Joanna |
Rinne-Wolf, Susanne |
Antu, Jannatul Ferdous. |
Aloycen, Diana |
TAG Thesis committees
Name, Institut, Land |
Sarah Preis, LMU, Germany |
Olivia Peters, University of Guelph, Canada |
Alejandra Arrieta, University of Washington, USA |
Marie Nodzenski, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK |
Surname, First name, Title |
Schrubbe, Leah, Dr. |
Adjimi Nyemgah, Caroline, Dr. |
Foglabenchi, Lily-Haritu, Dr. |
Hatcher, Abigail, Prof. Dr., Assistant Professor, University of North Carolina |
Pocock, Nicola, Dr., Independent child labour consultant |
Thesis Committee
Name, Institut, Land |
Dr. Bricia Trejo, Drexel University, USA |
Prof. Dr. Meghan Ranganathan, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK |
Dr. Anushe Hassan, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK |
Dr. Alys McAlpine, University College London, UK |