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Publications 2022

Publications 2022

Immich G, Frisch D, Oberhauser C, Schuh A, Stier-Jarmer M. Effekte einer ambulanten Kneippkur als multimodale Lebensstilintervention für die primäre Insomnie: eine randomisierte kontrollierte Studie. Phys Med Rehab Kuror 2022. DOI 10.1055/a-1954-5007. Published online ahead of print.

Immich G, Robl, E und Schuh A. Handbuch zur Entwicklung von zertifizierten Kur- und Heilwäldern in Bayern. Der Bayerische Kriterienkatalog für Kurwald und Heilwald (BayKK KuH) – Ergebnisse eines Förderprojektes. (2022) München: Lehrstuhl für Public Health und Versorgungsforschung (IBE) der Ludwig-Maximilians- Universität München.

Klünder V, Schwenke P, Hertig E, Jochem C, Kaspar-Ott I, Schwienhorst-Stich E-M, Stauch L, Coenen M. A cross-sectional study on the knowledge of and interest in Planetary Health in health-related study programmes in Germany. Frontiers in Public Health (2022) 10. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.937854.

Krishnaratne S, Pfadenhauer LM, Coenen M, Geffert K, Jung-Sievers C, Klinger C, Kratzer S, Littlecott H, Movsisyan A, Rabe JE, Rehfuess E, Sell K, Strahwald B, Stratil JM, Voss S, Wabnitz K, Burns J. Measures implemented in the school setting to contain the COVID-19 pandemic: a scoping review. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2022;12:CD013812; doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD013812.

Kus S, Oberhauser C, Simmel S, Coenen M. ICF-based prediction of return to work after trauma rehabilitation: Results of the icfPROreha study in patients with severe musculoskeletal injuries. Frontiers in Rehabilitation Sciences 2022: 3:960473; doi: 10.3389/fresc.2022.960473.

Moellhoff, N., Throner, V., Frank, K., Benne, A., Adelmann, S., Coenen, M., Giunta, R. E., & Haas-Lützenberger, E. (2022). Visualization of the location and level of pain in common wrist pathologies using color-coded heatmaps. Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 10.

Rathgeb C, Schillok H, Voss S, Coenen M, Schulte-Körne G, Merkel C, Eitze S, Jung-Sievers C on behalf of the COSMO Study Team. Emotional situation of children and adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany: Results from the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring Study (COSMO). Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022, 19, 2698.

Schöttle A, Coenen M, Rehfuess EA, Kaiser B, Wiedemann C, Pfadenhauer LM. Aufbau der Präventionskette Freiham aus Sicht des Steuerungsgremiums: Eine qualitative Interviewstudie mit Sozialer Netzwerkanalyse [Development of an Integrated Community-Based Prevention Strategy in Freiham (Munich) from the Perspective of the Steering Group: A Qualitative Interview Study with Social Network Analysis]. Gesundheitswesen 2022, Jun 2 (Epub ahead of print); doi: 10.1055/a-1815-3254.

Schwenke P, Coenen M. Influence of sit-stand tables in classrooms on children’s sedentary behavior and teacher’s acceptance and feasibility: a mixed-methods study. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022; 19(11):6727.

Tsai F-Y, Schillok H, Coenen M, Merkel C, Jung-Sievers C, on behalf of the COSMO Study Group. The Well-Being of the German Adult Population Measured with the WHO-5 over Different Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis within the COVID-19 Snapshot Monitoring Study (COSMO). Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022, 19, 3236.

Zhelyazkova A, Kim S, Klein M, Prueckner S, Horster S, Kressirer P, Choukér A, Coenen M, Adorjan K. COVID-19 vaccination intent, barriers and facilitators in healthcare workers: Insights from a cross-sectional study on 2500 employees at LMU University Hospital in Munich, Germany. Vaccines 2022: 10(8):1231; doi: 10.3390/vaccines10081231