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Publications 2005

Boldt C, Brach M, Grill E, Berthou A, Meister K, Scheuringer M, Stucki G. The ICF categories identified in nursing interventions administered to neurological patients with post-acute rehabilitation needs. Disabil Rehabil 2005; 27: 431-6.

Boldt C, Grill E, Wildner M, Portenier L, Wilke S, Stucki G, Kostanjsek N, Quittan M. ICF Core Set for patients with cardiopulmonary conditions in the acute hospital. Disabil Rehabil 2005; 27: 375-80.

Boldt C, Scheuringer M, Grill E. Funktionale Gesundheit und pflegerische Leistungen: WHO-Klassifikation auf dem Prüfstand. [Functional health and nursing performance: WHO classification challenge] Pflege Z. 2005; 58:164-8.

Borchers M, Cieza A, Sigl T, Kollerits B, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G. Content comparison of osteoporosis-targeted health status measures in relation to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). Clin Rheumatol. 2005 Apr;24(2):139-44.

Cieza A, Stucki G. Understanding functioning, disability, and health in rheumatoid arthritis: the basis for rehabilitation care. Curr Opin Rheumatol. 2005 Mar;17(2):183-9. Review.

Cieza A, Stucki G. Content comparison of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) instruments based on the international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF). Qual Life Res. 2005 Jun;14(5):1225-37.

Cieza A, Geyh S, Chatterji S, Kostanjsek N, Üstün B, Stucki G. ICF linking rules: an update based on lessons learned. J Rehabil Med. 2005 Jul;37(4):212-8.

Ewert T, Geyh S, Grill E, Cieza A, Zaisserer S, Stucki G. Die Anwendung der ICF in der Neurorehabilitation anhand des ICF Modellblattes und der ICF Core Sets. Neurologie & Rehabilitation 2005;11:179-188. Review.

Ewert T, Grill E, Bartholomeyczik S, Finger M, Mokrusch T, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G. ICF Core Set for patients with neurological conditions in the acute hospital. Disabil Rehabil 2005; 27: 367-73.

Ewert T, Kirschneck M, Cieza A, Stucki G. Die Anwendung der ICF-Checkliste in der Rehabilitation muskuloskelettaler Gesundheitsstörungen. Phys Rehab Kur Med 2005; 15:A9.

Grill E, Ewert T, Chatterji S, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G. ICF Core Set development for the acute hospital and early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. Disability and Rehabilitation 2005;27:361-366. 

Grill E, Harder M, Fischbacher L, Boldt C, Mittrach R, Stucki G. Identification of relevant ICF categories by patients in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. Phys Med Rehab Kuror 2005;15:168-173. 

Grill E, Hermes R, Swoboda W, Uzarewicz C, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G. ICF Core Set for geriatric patients in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. Disability and Rehabilitation 2005;27:411-418. 

Grill E, Hessel F, Siebert U, Schnell-Inderst P, Kunze S, Nickisch A, Wasem J. Comparing the clinical effectiveness of different new-born hearing screening strategies. A decision analysis. BMC Public Health 2005, 5:12 

Grill E, Huber EO, Stucki G, Herzeg M, Fialka-Moser V, Quittan M. Identification of relevant ICF categories by patients in the acute hospital. Disability and Rehabilitation 2005;27:447-458. 

Grill E, Lipp B, Boldt C, Stucki G, Koenig E. Identification of relevant ICF categories by patients with neurological conditions in early postacute rehabilitation facilities. Disability and Rehabilitation 2005;27:459-466. 

Grill E, Quittan M, Huber EO, Boldt C, Stucki G. Identification of relevant ICF categories by health professionals in the acute hospital. Disability and Rehabilitation 2005;27:437-446. 

Grill E, Stucki G, Boldt C, Joisten S, Swoboda W. Identification of relevant ICF categories by patients in a geriatric early post-acute rehabilitation facility. Disability and Rehabilitation 2005;27:467-473.

Kirschneck M, Cieza A, Schwarzkopf S, Stucki G. Umsetzung der ICF und der ICF Core Sets für Osteoporose in der Rehabilitation. Physioscience 2005; (1):113-119.

Morita E, Weigl M, Schuh A, Stucki G. Identification of relevant ICF categories for indication, intervention planning and evaluation of health resort programs: a Delphi exercise. Int J Biometeorol. 2006 Jan;50(3):183-91. Epub 2005 Nov 18.

Scheuringer M, Grill E, Boldt C, Mittrach R, Mullner P, Stucki G. Systematic review of measures and their concepts used in published studies focusing on rehabilitation in the acute hospital and in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. Disabil Rehabil 2005; 27: 419-29. Review.

Schuh A. Klima- und Thalassotherapie in den Seeheilbädern von Nord- und Ostsee. Heilbad und Kurort 3-4:56-59, 2004

Schuh A. Nutzung von Klimafaktoren in heilklimatischen Kurorten. Heilbad und Kurort  2005;11-12:11-22.

Sigl T, Cieza A, van der Heijde D, Stucki G. ICF-based comparison of disease specific instruments measuring physical functional ability in ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2005 Nov;64(11):1576-81.

Stamm TA, Cieza A, Coenen M, Machold KP, Nell VP, Smolen JS, Stucki G. Validating the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health Comprehensive Core Set for Rheumatoid Arthritis from the patient perspective: a qualitative study. Arthritis Rheum. 2005 Jun 15;53(3):431-9.

Stier-Jarmer M, Grill E, Ewert T, Bartholomeyczik S, Finger M, Mokrusch T, Kostanjsek N, Stucki G. ICF Core Set for patients with neurological conditions in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. Disabil Rehabil 2005; 27: 389-95.

Stucki G, Stier-Jarmer M, Grill E, Melvin J. Rational and principles of early rehabilitation care provision after an acute injury or illness. Disabil Rehabil 2005;27:353-360.

Wildner M, Quittan M, Portenier L, Wilke S, Boldt C, Stucki G, Kostanjsek N, Grill E. ICF Core Set for patients with cardiopulmonary conditions in early post-acute rehabilitation facilities. Disabil Rehabil 2005; 27: 397-404.