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Impact factors of the natural healing resources forest and water to increase health and quality of life as a tourism related contribution to sustainable living environment development (WiWa2)

Project description

In a cross-border Bavarian-Austrian research project, WiWa2, new evidence-based approaches on the effectiveness of natural spaces on the health and quality of life of the population and specific patient populations are being investigated in various pilot regions. In these pilot regions, new nature-based health tourism offers are to be established. Additionally, the regional value chains are to be strengthened by exploiting the potential of surrounding healing resources (e.g. forest and water). In parallel, a clinical study will evaluate the effectiveness of forest therapy for defined indications on the basis of evidence. Besides the effects of the project on regional added value, environmental protection (raising awareness of the value of nature) and visitor guidance in natural areas, the health of the local population - guests and locals - is to be actively promoted and undesired effects such as "overtourism" should to be avoided.
Thus, the project includes the following target

groups: the local population, guests, service providers, clinics and medical institutions as well as local and regional authorities. Central project outcomes are a) potential maps for the use of natural healing resources to increase the quality of life for locals and guests, b) development of a guideline for sustainable living environment development through nature-based health tourism and c) action plan for the use of natural resources for communities, clinics and citizens.

Research consortium

Lead partner: Paracelsus Medical Private University Salzburg, Institute for Ecomedicine, Dr. A. Hartl
Further cooperation partners: Innovation Salzburg, Hofgastein Tourism Association,
                                             Bad Füssing-Passau Rehabilitation Centre of the DRV.


01.01.2023 - 31.12.2025


Funded by INTERREG VI-A Bavaria - Austria 2021 - 2027 (EU co-financed)
[Funding identification number: BA0100027]

INTERREG_Logo_RGB_fuer_weissen Hintergrund - Kopie

 Contact LMU

Dr. Gisela Immich, M.Sc.

Dipl.-Ing. Eva Robl