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ICF e-learning Tool - a web-based education tool for ICF trainings

Description                                                                                                                     ICF eLearning_logo

In collaboration with the World Health Organization Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) a web-based eLearning Tool is currently under development which focuses on the conceptualization and the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). The tool addresses this educational challenge by means of different modules which are applicable to several target areas of application: clinical practice, health and disability statistics, disability and social services, research and education.

The ideal audience for the first module “Introduction to the ICF” is anyone interested in learning about the ICF, including the general public, people with disabilities, care providers and advocates, health professionals, people from the education and other sectors involved with services for people with disability. Its main purpose is to provide general information about the background and framework of the ICF, to strengthen the knowledge about the ICF and its structure and components, as well as the biopsychosocial model.


The development of the web-based training program is a collaboration effort with the Classification, Terminology and Standards Team of WHO, the Family of International Classifications (WHO-FIC) Education and Implementation Committee (EIC) and the WHO-FIC Functioning and Disability Reference Group (FDRG), as well as the ICF Research Branch.

Current status

In 2017, the first module was completed in English language and tested in a worldwide field testing. Currently, the content of the e-learning Tool is translated to 12 languages. After finalization of the translation it will be provided on WHO’s homepage.


Dr. Michaela Coenen, MPH


Dr. Michaela Coenen, MPH

Dr. Sandra Kus, MPH
Katharina Ricci