Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research

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Evaluation of the project "Habe die Ehre - keeping senior citizens in the municipality of Zell fit through participation in society"


The objective of the project, entitled "Habe die Ehre”, is to enhance the quality of life and well-being of senior citizens in the municipality of Zell through increased social participation. This will be achieved by reducing feelings of loneliness and thus preventing illnesses that are associated with a lack of social participation. In order to achieve this aim, the project stakeholders in the municipality of Zell design and implement health promotion and prevention programmes to counteract loneliness and isolation among senior citizens, especially those in difficult circumstances.

The scientific evaluation of the project is being conducted by the Chair of Public Health and Health Services Research at the Faculty of Medicine, LMU Munich. In addition to the evaluation of the concept and process, the focus is on the assessment of the measure (outcome evaluation), i.e. whether the social participation of senior citizens living in the community has improved and their loneliness has been reduced during the project period. Furthermore, it is examined whether, from the seniors' perspective, their well-being has increased and their functional health, defined from the bio-psycho-social perspective of health, has improved.



Project duration

06/2022 - 02/2025


The evaluation of the project "Habe die Ehre - keeping senior citizens in the municipality of Zell fit through participation in society" is funded by the initiative “Gesund.Leben.Bayern.” of the Bavarian State Ministry of Health and Care (funding reference: K1-2497-GLB-22-V2).

Contact persons

Dr. Michaela Coenen (MPH postgrad.)

Veronika Throner (MPH)