Chair for Public Health and Health Services Research

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ICF INFO is an international collaborative project which aims to establish the principles to harmonize routinely collected health information based on the ICF. Routine information can be collected with various methods, including patient-reported outcome measures, expert administered instruments and clinical tests, as well as health survey data. In ICF INFO qualitative methods are deployed for establishing content comparison, and psychometric methods for establishing comparability of measurement units.
ICF INFO will allow clinicians and researchers to continue their existing instruments while being able to report based on WHO’s standards for health information.
To realize ICF INFO an international, collaborative network conducted under the auspice of the ICF Research Branch has been established.

Cooperation partners

  • Swiss Paraplegic Research (Nottwil, Switzerland)
  • The Walton Centre, NHS Foundation Trust (Liverpool, UK)
  • Ankara Univerity (Ankara, Turkey)
  • Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems (CeMSIIS),
    Medical University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
  • University of Salford (Manchester, UK)

Responsible for the network

Dr. Birgit Prodinger
Project leader at the Swiss Paraplegic Research

Responsible at the Research Unit for Biopsychosocial Health

Dr. Michaela Coenen, MPH

Dr. Cornelia Oberhauser
